Name: FV Ocean Azul
Owner: Pesquera Azul Norge AS
Design: Heimli AS, Norway
Shipyard: LOS Marine AS, Norway
Delivery: 2020
Length: 72.5 metres
Breadth: 13.00 metres
Depth: 5.71 metres
Deadweight: 690 dwt
Main engine: 2X ABC 12 DZC 900 RPM 2388 KW + boost
FV Ocean Azul is a state-of-the-art vessel, built to meet the challenges associated with long-line fisheries.
Pesquera Azul is bringing a new mindset to longlining. Using the largest autoline system ever made, combined with our commitment to environmental and sustainable solutions, we believe FV Ocean Azul can raise the bar for responsible operations in our industry.